Complete Diet for Mice and Rats for breeding and maintenance
for Conventional Housing and „Semi-Barriers“
LASQCdiet® Rod16, HiHyg, 10 mm, Zero, Cert *)
pasteurized, certified rodent diet for breeding and maintenance
soya free, non-GMO, no coating, GLP compliance analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . .Data Sheet
LASQCdiet® Rod16 was developed for the breeding and maintenance of standard strains and transgenic rodents. It fulfils the requirements of the “New Scientific Standard”. Through the choice of raw materials and nutrients, the requirements of breeding, growth young animals and maintenance for the first 12 months are all well supported. Rod16 is comparable with the worlds leading products and ensures a problem free adaptation.
A clearly improved breeding-performance is expected through the use of the rodent diet Rod16. Data of a key account customer with 11 strains (7 KO) showed that the litter size was increased by 7 % and mortality was decrease by 16% after a shift to Rod16. Other customers report remarkable increases of breeding of NZW and SCID mice after swiching to Rod16.
Protein (%) | 16,9 | Calcium (%) | 1,0 |
Fett (%) | 4,3 | Phosphor (%) | 0,65 |
Faser (%) | 4,3 | ME (MJ) | 13,1 |
*) HiHyg (high hygienized) - special micro-biological Quality
With the special treatment system (HYSYS Pasteurization at 95°C for 2 min) an excellent Pasteurization is achieved and pathogenic germs are killed efficiently.
Details: LASQCdiets >>Quality >> Production.
Packaging: Netto weight 12,5 kg in paper-bag (permeable to steam).
All LASQCdiets fulfil the following list of specifications:
Scientific Quality / Design
• fulfils the New Scientific Standard
(recommend requirements from leading scientists) - • comparable with worldwide leading products
- • problem free adaptation for purchased livestock
• Semi-Fixed-Formula™ for highest consistency in nutrients and raw materials
Details: LASQCdiets >>Quality >> Product design
*) Zero - without Critical Raw Materials
• without soya: potential risk of Phytoestrogens
More Information: LASwiki >> Soja & Phytoestrogens - • without fish: potential risk of Nitrosamins
- • without coating: potential risk of respirable dust
• without GMO:No required marking of for Genetically Modified Products
Details: LASQCdiets >>Quality >> Analyis
• without soya: potential risk of Phytoestrogens
Best Technical Quality
- • integrated QM-System in according to ISO9001, QS-Standard, HACCP,…
• usage of raw materials in food grade quality
• pasteurization as minimum standard for germ-free products - Details: LASQCdiets >> Quality >> Production
*) Cert - Certification (GLP analysis)
The validation of Premium Quality requires a wide-range of laboratory tests according with the GLP Standard. These are available online and free of charge.
Details: Quality >> LASQCdiets >> Analyis
Effective Usage Guarantee of 6 Months
LASvendi guarantees a Shelf-Life of 6 months on their products since the feeds are delivered fresh from the production line. This means that the full shelf life of the product is at the disposal of the customer.
Details: Quality >> LASQCdiets >> Shelf Life
Users' experience show: about 95% of all tasks can be covered with a single recipe. Under the motto "keep it simple & smart" (KISS principle) LASvendi offers an optimized range forage.