

Standard diets (Quality Controlled diets) for rats, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs and other animals according to the newest  recommendations; pasteurized, autoclavable or irradiated.

Rodent 16
Mice / Rats
Rod16-H Rod16-A Rod16-R
Rodent 18
Mice / Rats
Rod18-H Rod18-A Rod18-R
Rodent 14
Mice / Rats
Rod14-H Rod14-A Rod14-R
Rabbit 14
Rab14-H   Rab14-R
Cavia 14
Guinua Pigs
Cav14-H   Cav14-R


Rodent 16: Complete diet for breeding and maintenance of Mice and Rats; meets especially the requirements of breeding, growth of young animals and maintenance (until 12 months)

Rodent 18: Complete diet for breeding and maintenance of Mice and Rats; meets especially the requirements for pregnancy , lactation period, and growth of young animals

Rodent 14: Complete diet for Mice and Rats in long-termed maintenance (e.g. in research of aging); meets especially the requirements for maintenance longer than 12 months (on demand)

Rabbit 14: Complete diet for breeding and maintenance of rabbits; meets especially the requirements of growth of young animals and maintenance

Cavia 14: Complete diet for breeding and maintenance of guinua pigs; meets especially the requirements of growth of young animals and maintenance

-H pasteurized: With the treatment system (HYSYS Pasteurization up to 95°C for 2 min) an excellent pasteurization is achieved. This safely kills almost all types of germs.

-A autoclavable: The product is suitable for use in steam sterilizers using the standard procedures of 121°C for 20 min. or 134°C for 5 min. The special packaging allows auto-claving in the bag. The product is without surface coating with Silicates.

-R irradiated: The product is sterilized by a gamma-irradiation of minimum 21 kGy. It is packed in sealed buckets.


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