Guinea Pigs
Complete Diet for Breeding and Maintenance of Guinea Pigs
LASQCdiet® Cav14 was developed for the breeding and maintenance of Guinea Pigs.
Cav14 fulfils the requirements of the “New Scientific Standard”. Through the choice of raw materials and nutrients, especially the requirements of growth of young animals and maintenance are all well supported. At (long-term) maintenance a supplementation with roughage (hay) is recommended.
Complete diet for guinea pigs,can be used in breeding and maintenance as an universal food without changeover.
Data: 14,9% Protein, 3,2% Fat, 9,8 DE (MJ)
All standard diets without Soy-Genistein (Phytoestrogene) and without GMO feedstuff.
Complete Diet for Breeding and Maintenance of Guinea Pigs
for Conventional Housing and "Semi-Barriers"
LASQCdiet® Cav14, HiHyg, 3,5 mm, Zero, Cert *)
pasteurized, certified guinea pig diet for growth and maintenance
soya free, non-GMO, no coating, GLP compliance analysis . . . . . . .. . . . . . .Data Sheet
Complete diet for Breeding and Maintenance of Guinea Pigs
for Barriers und Isolatores (irradiated)
LASQCdiet® Cav14, Rad, 3,5 mm, Zero, Cert, +L-Box *)
irradiated, certified guinea pig diet for growth and maintenance
soya free, non-GMO, no coating, GLP compliance analysis . . . .. . . . . . . . . ..Data Sheet