
Here you find news from 2010

LASvendi GmbH founded
Reported on 15. Nov. 2010

The LASvendi GmbH (similar to Ldt; SARL; ApS; B.V.)) was founded end of October. The company is focused on "development, production and distribution of products for biomedical research." The business activities of the individual enterprise "LASvendi Dr. Franz-Josef Klausdeinken" will be transferred in the LASvendi GmbH early 2011.

"The foundation is an important milestone of the business development. We will have more flexibility to build up our capital and strategic growth to support our activities market sustainable" explained managing director and owner Dr. Franz-Josef Klausdeinken.

Rod16 proofed after weaning
Reported on 05. Oct. 2010

With a feeding test for 16 weeks after weaning a customer evaluated the weight gain of female CRL:CD-1 ®. The usability of the breeding and maintenance diet Rod16 was compared to a pure breeding diet from another provider. After 3 months it was clear: the live weights of the feeding groups were on par.

Conclusion: The soy-free universal diet Rod16 is useful for breeding, growth and maintenance of rodents.

Bedding production optimized – significant reduction of fine fractions
Reported on 16. Sep. 2010

In early August the counter-air sieve of bedding production was modified. The first analysis and customer feedbacks are available:

 Through the improved wind screening the proportion of very fine (<0.2 mm) and fine fractions (0.2 to 0.8 mm) is partially reduced by up to 90%; the characteristic calibration of product (eg, Grade 6 : 1.25 to 1.6 mm) increased at the same time.

The analytical findings were confirmed by the first positive feedbacks from customers..

Price stability by the end of 2010 guaranteed
Reported on 16. Aug. 2010

The price of wheat at the commodity exchanges marked achieved new heights. Over the past two months the price increased by 50%. Background is a Russian ban on exports and poor harvests in Canada.

The LASvendi® rodent diets in large part are made from cereals (wheat, corn, barley, oats). Through long-term commodity contracts part of the extreme price increases is absorbed. In addition there is a short-term compensation by the positive business development.

Through this we guarantee price stability by end of 2010.

Education-Ch€que to IGTp
Reported on 09. Aug. 2010

In addition to supplying the market with scientific quality goods at wholesale prices LASvendi® supports education and training of technical staff. For this the IGTp board received a EducationCh€que to refinance training activities and the purchase of books for trainees.

Rod16 also proved for long-term maintenance
Reported on 01. Aug. 2010

With a long-term feeding study a major customer evaluated the weight development of male and female C57BL/6JCrl over 12 months. He compared the LASvendi® Rod16 against a plain maintenance diet of his current supplier. After 52 weeks it was obvious that the body weights of the feeding groups do not differ significantly.

Conclusion: Rod16 is qualified for dual use of breeding and maintenance of rodents

Loyalty-Bonus-Program – price cut for customers
Reported on 15. July 2010

The Business of LASvendi® developed excellent over the past two years. As our clients have contributed to the success of LASvendi, we would like to participate them! The Loyalty-Bonus-Program provided an additional discount depending on the duration of business relationship.

Loyalty pays off!

Sales doubled in the 2nd Qrt. 2010
Reported on 12. July 2010

The Business of LASvendi® developed excellent over the past two years. Revenues in the 2nd Quarter of 2010 doubled compared to the same period of last year and compared to the 1st Quarter of 2010 increased by 40%. The sales for gamma irradiated products and bedding were significantly above the average.

Many thanks to our customers for their confidence!

Microbiological status after 5 months of storage excellent
Reported on 28. June 2010

At a regular process and product validation, the product Rod16-H (rodent food, pasteurized for breeding and maintenance) was tested. The batch was manufactured in early February and analysed after 5 months of storage on microbiological status.

 The germ status of E-coli, yeasts and moulds was below the detection limit (<1.0 x 10E2); Salmonella were also not detected. The total aerobic germs (3.0 x10E2) were only slightly above the detection limit. According to GV-SOLAS guidelines a value 5x10E5 would be permitted.

Convincing results of modern technology!

Microbiological findings of pasteurized diets under detection limit
Reported on 24. June 2010

With the special heat treatment (HYSYS Pasteurization at 95°C for 2 min) an excellent pasteurization is achieved which kills pathogens efficiently. In addition, pre-treated raw materials are used for the optimization of autoclave usability and improvement of pellet quality.
 This action is likely to push the germ counts of total aerobic, E-coli, yeast, mold and salmonella below the detection limit.

More quality at lower cost!

FELASA congress at Helsinki
Reported on 16. June 2010

Numerous contacts during the congress and invitations confirmed the market-interest on high-quality products at whole sale prices.

Market share of 10% exceeded
Reported on 02. June 2010

Due to good sales in the recent months LASvendi® reached in Germany in the segment "diet" a market share of 10% after only 1.5 years .

 "The combination of innovative products, good logistics and attractive market prices is the secret of success," commented the owner Dr. Klausdeinken. "By expanding the product range in bedding additional impulses and an accelerated growth in the coming months is expected."

Attractive price offer for bedding
Reported on 25. May 2010

As of today, the new selling prices are valid for bedding. Through a special agreement with the supplier we offer customers in quantities of full truck loads (approximately 32 pallets) special discounts. Of course there are more discounts possible for large annual volumes or a simultaneous purchase of diets.

Ask for a quote and save!

LASvendi Products now available at Czech and Slovakia
Reported on 19. March 2010

A few days ago a distribution contract for LASvendi® products was finalized with a Czech company. Targets are marketing und sales activities at Czech and Slovakia.

This week a first major order was placed by a customer.

Rod16 increases breeding-performance
Reported on 20th Feb. 2010

A clearly improved breeding-performance is expected through the use of the rodent diet Rod16. Data of a key account customer with 11 strains (7 KO) showed that the litter size was increased by 7 % and mortality was decrease by 16 % after a shift to Rod16. Other customers report remarkable increases of breeding of NZW and SCID mice after switching to Rod16.

Extended product range - premium granular bedding & poplar bedding available
Reported on 24th Jan. 2010

Instantly an extended product range for bedding products is available. Brand new a premium granular bedding which is exceedingly low in dust, high in absorption and excellent in flotation.

With great pleasure we announce a gross flat-cubic poplar bedding type. It is an attractive cost-saving alternative to the aspen bedding (lat. Populus tremula). The German production guarantees highest quality, good availability, short transportations and low freight charges.

Ask for a quotation.

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